E10—Overvoltage when running
(the bus voltage is less than 80v for 10ms when running)
Troubleshooting steps
1)Check whether the inlet voltage of control box is stable, if it’s within the specified range of 200V-250V
2)when standby, see what’s the voltage appear in UDC interface, then run the motor to see how much voltage rise while scram(usually around 410V), 【the inlet voltage multiplied by 1.41 = interface voltage】
3)if the voltage showed in UDC is wrong, using Isolation transformer with 80V to supply power, then detect the voltage of control board’s bridge rectifier + anode to – negative terminal: inlet voltage multiplied by 1.41; C73 ends impedance: 12.5k or so; Two terminal voltage (means U9 foot 3# to foot 4#(safety line): 0.56V or so.
4)f the voltage showed in UDC is wrong, using Isolation transformer with 80V to supply power, then see R143 resistance in main control board: 100Ω; C77 ends impedance: 3.3m or so; Two terminal voltage (means U9 foot 1# to foot 4#(safety line): 0.56V or so.